Finalist of the 2008 Performing Arts Talent Contest

“The artists participating in the final night come from Hanoi, Hue and Ho Chi Minh City, three main centers of performing arts today.”

Finalist of the 2008 Performing Arts Talent Contest

15:56 | October 20, 2008

The 10 works in the final night represent diverse styles of performance art: from group performances to individual performances, from traditional forms (of performance art), to different looks. leaning heavily towards contemporary performance. The work with the most votes from the audience will be awarded a prize worth 3,000 USD.

The 10 works also address a range of themes: about disaster, about pain and disappointment, about movement patterns and the limitations of the human body.

Performance Art was first introduced in Vietnam in the mid-90s. In 2006, the first Performance Art Festival was held with sponsorship from the Cultural Exchange and Development Fund. Denmark, Vietnam (CDEF).

In recent years, although still a relatively new art trend to the public, performance art has increasingly attracted the attention of artists. According to Artist Nguyen Nhu Huy, a member of the contest’s jury, performance art challenges the one-way relationship between artists and audiences, bringing a new, flexible and flexible space for interaction and interaction. transfer. At the same time, because of its variable and ephemeral nature, it also provides artists with an unlimited means of expressing ideas.

The annual Talent Prize is organized by the Denmark-Vietnam Cultural Exchange and Development Fund to support cultural activities in Vietnam and encourage young artists in the fields of art. different. Danish Ambassador to Vietnam, Mr. Peter Lysholt Hansen said, “With this annual award, CDEF wants to provide an opportunity for artists to participate in a competition and have their talent recognized by the public.”

Artists participating in the final night come from Hanoi, Hue and Ho Chi Minh City, three main centers of performing arts today, including Nguyen Van He, Le Quy Anh Hao, Pham Van Truong, Nguyen Anh Tuan, Nguyen Huy An, Le Van Son, Pham Huy Thong, Nguyen Phuong Linh, Tran Huynh Trieu An, Le Thi Minh Nguyet.

For more information, please visit the Danish Embassy website