Humans Collecting Shells

This is a project I drew during the period 2012 - 2014.

My works start from stories of childhood memories. Go catch oysters and look for snail shells on the beach...

Gradually discovering this topic, I observed more about the image of the Snail. It is an animal, living in the natural environment, it has a soft and harmless body. But the Snail has a rough body with a rough outer shell. In order to protect myself when attacked by enemies... The story started simply like that. Over time, working on this concept, I developed the Snail Man painting series.

In this series of paintings, I painted about 20 paintings with oil paint on canvas. Expressed with the technique of drawing thinly over many layers. The way to handle space in paintings is simple according to the Pop Art style.

The large, strong composition takes up most of the work's area, and the strong foot language is repeated in many different positions. Along with the strange stylization of the snail shell image, from there I created a strange creature that is part human, part animal.

With the Snail Man series, I have painted works that convey a certain part of the difficult and stressful situations in every person's life. A series of works have therefore gone through a process of transformation from beautiful childhood memories to the precarious living conditions of adults in modern society.