From 2010 to 2012, I was looking for social issues in Vietnam to paint about. This is a very special time for me because my place of residence was near a market district, in the center of the capital Hanoi, where I could directly observe all trading activities.

Every day I saw a man transporting pork from the slaughterhouse to the market on a motorbike. Day after day, these images appear naturally in my paintings. The questions I asked at the time revolved around issues related to the environment and food hygiene and safety for the lives of Vietnamese people. Those images were taken and arranged by me intentionally. I then expressed it on Oil Paint and Acrylic in a realistic style. In the style of figurative art, it combines free and detailed expressions and classic yellow-brown tones. The works create a close visual impression that attracts viewers.

After drawing about 15 to 20 large paintings, I decided for personal reasons to stop the experiment. This includes completed works and some unfinished paintings.