This is a project that I started working on few years ago. My work in this series revolves around the close connection between nature and Eastern philosophy. In this context, I am particularly interested in the functioning of the elements in nature.

Throughout the working process I apply geometric space to create the series. Through the basic principle of fractal geometry, shapes are combined with each other and repeat themselves to form a composition. Based on this, I have created my artworks according to the school of geometric abstraction.

In addition, forms, colours, drawing techniques and the space in the works are simply edited so that the structure of the work interacts directly with the external environment. With a surface thickness of twenty centimetres from the wall together with the construction of the picture frames, the work is on the border of painting and sculpture.

At the same time, I also want to find a new structure in contemporary painting. The structure of the work is divided into two parts and logically connected to create a strong unified block. From there, the work opens up a space that leads the viewer to a new vision. In this position, the work speaks for itself as it builds an independent bridge between Eastern and Western culture.

Through skilful arrangement, the motifs are altered to create many different compositional forms while maintaining the visual elements. From there, the work will open up many separate dimensions.